KapStone Paper UNOX Basin Lining
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Returning Aging Assets to Efficient Performers
Private industry often runs on tight margins, leaving slim budgets for equipment upgrades and replacements when the effects of time begin to show.That’s where rehabilitation using economical LifeLast products can extend the life of existing systems and return their performance levels to like-new efficiency.
DuraShield 310 passes Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (“Greenbook”) Chemical Resistance (“Pickle Jar”) Tests
In the early 1990’s, a large Northwest pulp and paper mill was experiencing significant loss of concrete in their 60 million gallon per day wastewater treatment system as a result of corrosion. The corrosion was so significant that the concrete had corroded back to 1/2” aggregate in many areas.This corrosive attack was caused by microbial induced corrosion (MIC), a problem common in both industrial and municipal wastewater systems. The company chose LifeLast coating to eliminate these problems. LifeLast coating’s extremely low permeability, excellent chemical resistance, high build characteristics, great flexibility and quick turnaround made it a perfect choice for this application.

11-Year Inspection Sample
The concrete was sandblasted clean and then lined with 80+ mils of LifeLast urethane. In fact, turnaround for the entire project was less than 72 hours due in large part to the DuraShield’s high build properties and fast cure times. The lining system was thoroughly inspected in 2001and the results showed no loss of coating or disbond-ment throughout the entire structure, all 100,000+ ft2 was 100% intact.
Questions or technical assistance on your specification or project?
Contact us; we’re happy to help. Email us at info@LifeLast.com or call (512) 628.2112.