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How Much Do You Know About Protective Coatings?
True or False: Polyurethane…
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is included in American Waterworks Association (AWWA) / American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved industry standard specifications TRUE. AWWA first released standards for polyurethane in 1999 and updated them in 2008, standard C222.
is National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) certified TRUE. Specially formulated DuraShield polyurethanes are available in NSF certified versions.
is relatively untested in sulfuric acid and immersion applications FALSE. Independent test results are available for sulfuric acid and immersion applications to better assess polyurethane coating suitability for your application. Click here for independent test results.
takes longer to dry than epoxy FALSE. DuraShield, for example, dries in as little as 3 minutes; pot life can be extended to 15 minutes. Curing can be as quick as 4 hours allowing for expedited return to service.
isn’t as long-lasting as epoxy, cement or plastic pipe FALSE. While these types of industrial polyurethane applications have only existed for 35 years, careful monitoring of polyurethane coated systems currently in place indicate a likely service life of at least 50 years. The analysis demonstrates exceptional resistance to moisture penetration and corrosion. We’ll be happy to provide the technical details behind the analysis.
is more flexible than epoxy TRUE. Polyurethane is more flexible than epoxy, and offers over twice the elongation properties compared to fusion bond epoxy and even more than that relative to 100% solids epoxy.
is higher in volatile organic compounds (VOC) than epoxy FALSE. Our products are VOC-free, with no solvents and most do not use extending fillers. It is safe for the environment, and for those applying the coatings.
can’t handle extreme temperatures FALSE. Performs well in service application areas with temperatures ranging between -40 to 150 F.
can’t handle harsh chemicals FALSE. Polyurethane offers a surprisingly wide range of chemical resistance, including NaOH, H2SO4, NaCI and Diesel. Click here for more specific information on chemical resistance for DS 210 and click here for more specific information on chemical resistance for DS 310.
doesn’t repel water as well/isn’t as hydrophobic as epoxy FALSE. LifeLast DuraShield polyurethane performs exceptionally well in both areas. LifeLast DuraShield’s cathodic disbondment rating is 0 mm (G95) as compared to 3-10 mm for 100% solids epoxy and 2.5 mm compared to fusion bond epoxy
can’t be hand-applied; spraying is the only option FALSE. Hand application versions are available.
can be field applied, even by hand TRUE. LifeLast polyurethane can be applied in the field by hand with the JARS (Joint and Repair System) kit or spray applied.
when pre-applied and transported does not require special handling to get to the job site safely, because it’s exceptionally abrasion resistant TRUE. Polyurethane is particularly abrasion and impact resistant. Transportation companies and contractors are delighted with how easy LifeLast polyurethane is to transport and handle.
spray application doesn’t require any special expertise FALSE. While polyurethane is in many ways much simpler to apply than epoxies, using anyone other than a certified applicator for spraying LifeLast polyurethanes puts correct coating application at great risk. The cost to rectify an improper application is much greater in time, material and labor cost than using a certified applicator. LifeLast has a list of certified applicators, and we are happy to recommend one to meet your specific needs. If you’re interested in becoming a certified applicator, contact us.
can only be used in very narrow, limited applications, specifically steel pipes FALSE. Polyurethane protective coatings support a wide variety of applications from wastewater equipment, to primary and secondary containment, potable water tanks, tankers, floors and a growing array of other industrial applications. Click here for more information about the industries we serve in and polyurethane’s applications in them.
comes in a variety of colors? TRUE. Polyurethanes can come in a wide variety of colors, from the standard almond, gray and black, to blue and even a vibrant red.
is more expensive than epoxy FALSE. While polyurethane selection is more a value than price decision, materials typically cost about 10% less than most epoxy solutions and typically take less time to install and return to service. Some clients have enjoyed significantly greater savings, depending on their application.
How Much Do You Know About LifeLast?
True or False: LifeLast…
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is more a chemical than a polyurethane coating company, offering a very broad array of products FALSE. LifeLast focuses on offering exceptional development, production and service in polyurethane coating and protection. We can help you determine if our solution will meet your needs, or refer you to another provider if it does not.
technical questions are handled by our distributors FALSE. Whether prospects and customers call, email or meet us at industry trade shows and educational conferences, they reach the experts directly. We own the process from product development through to customer satisfaction in the field. Those of us answering your questions are active participants on industry standard boards and committees.
does not offer technical assistance for job specifications, they’re handled by our OEMs and distributors FALSE. However you contact us, from the earliest phases of your project concept through to pre and post application questions, we’re here to help.
does not offer on-site support, they’re handled by our OEMs and distributors FALSE. We are often there, sometimes flying in within three days notice to ensure our products are correctly applied to satisfaction, meeting our customer’s most exacting needs.
products are domestically produced TRUE. LifeLast is based out of Pflugerville, TX. Our products are formulated and produced in the United States.
LifeLast is a new company FALSE. LifeLast was founded in 1988 (though we had a name change along the way). Initially, in addition to polyurethanes, we also produced epoxies, and acrylics/lattices.